Product information

The unit is a small room fan for dehumidifying rooms, especially cellars and other similar rooms. The unit has a fixed internal grille and is equipped with an integrated internal combination sensor for humidity/temperature. A controlled dehumidification takes place based on the comparison between the indoor climate and the outdoor climate. The external shutter with integrated external combination sensor for humidity/temperature must be connected for this purpose. To aid in the room dehumidification, an aeration fan can be directly controlled by the unit at the same time.

Function of the dehumidification control

The controlled ventilation dehumidifies the rooms (cellars) through targeted removal of humid room air and simultaneous supplying of dry outside air.

For this purpose, the absolute humidity (aH) is determined as a measure of the water vapour content in the air using both combination sensors (those for indoor and outdoor spaces).

This measurement takes place immediately after switching on the unit. As soon as the absolute outside humidity falls below the absolute inside humidity (aHouter < aHinner) the unit’s fan is automatically activated and a dehumidification period begins (active time).

Ventilation and air extraction take place for roughly 12 minutes. Then the fan is switched off for a further 12 minutes so that the moist room air can mix with the dry air brought in from outside (passive time). After the waiting period has lapsed, the comparison of the inside and outside humidity is repeated.

If the absolute humidity of the outside air is found to be greater than that of the air inside the room (aHouter > aHinner), air is not exchanged. This prevents moist air from flowing in. The fan is only switched on again once the climate conditions make dehumidification possible.


Operating mode


Fan status

DIP switch

Frost protection function


Manual ventilation




LED 1: On

Automatic operating mode

LED 1: Blinking*

Manual ventilation

LED 1: Blinks twice with long pause

Frost protection

LED 2: On (in automatic operation)

Active time during dehumidification (Fan on)

LED 2: Off

Passive time during dehumidification (Fan off)

LED 1 + LED 2: Flashing


* Simultaneous blinking:

Simultaneous blinking of LED 1 or LED 2 indicates an operating mode or function. If both LEDs blink simultaneously, there is a fault, see Fault rectification.


Frost protection:

To prevent the room from cooling down, the unit has a frost protection function. This means that the fan automatically switches off at inside room temperatures of less than 5°C.

Switching off garage dehumidification/frost protection:

To dehumidify garages, the frost protection function can be switched off via the DIP switch. To do this, set the DIP switch to the lower position.


Manual ventilation – button:

The unit switches the fan on and off automatically and in a manner optimised to demand. When off, the fan can be switched on manually with button and manual ventilation therefore takes place. Manual operation is ended by again pressing button or automatically after approximately 30 minutes.

The fan cannot be switched off manually using the button when in the automatic operating mode.

Manual ventilation – external button/switch:

In addition to the button, manual operation can take place with an external button or switch, see Wiring diagrams.

For this purpose, automatic button/switch detection is carried out during the first actuation, after power is supplied. A switch is considered to be connected if the switching contact is active for more than 3 seconds.

Manual ventilation with an external button is equivalent to using the unit's internal button.

If an external switch is connected, manual ventilation is switched on or off in accordance with the switch setting. When the switch is switched on, the fan switches off after 30 minutes.

The fan cannot be switched off manually using the button when in the automatic operating mode.

Manual ventilation is also possible during frost protection.

Damage to the building fabric due to manual ventilation

Excess manual ventilation can lead to room humidification if the outdoor conditions are humid. Therefore, you must pay attention to the duration of ventilation when using an external switch.