Cleaning, maintenance

According to Directive 1999/92/EC, the workplace and work equipment must be maintained with due regard to safety. The points listed in EN 60079-17 must be taken into account and carried out.

The intervals should be determined by the operating company in accordance with EN 60079-17 and may be extended if a sufficient maintenance concept is used – frequency depending on ambient conditions and anticipated restrictions. The maintenance intervals are to be shortened in case of dust or a corrosive atmosphere.

Danger of electric shock.

  1. Prior to accessing the connection terminals, disconnect all supply circuits.
  2. Secure against being switched back on, check that no voltage is present.
  3. Earth and connect the EARTH with active parts which are to be short-circuited.
  4. Cover or block off neighbouring live components.
  5. Attach a clearly visible warning sign.
  6. Ensure that there is no explosive atmosphere and/or dust layers.

Hot motor surfaces may result in skin burns if touched.

  1. Do not touch hot motor surfaces. Always wait until the motor has cooled down.

Damage to the unit if the line feedthrough to the terminal box is pre-installed.

Line feedthroughs may be damaged if the connection line is pulled or the unit is lifted by the line.

  1. Do not pull connection lines or lift the unit using the lines.