Instructions, software, links, videos

The installation, commissioning and maintenance instructions contain important information on the installation, adjustment, commissioning and maintenance of the ventilation unit.

The Safety instructions supplement contains important information for the operator and specialist installer. Read it carefully and completely, before operating, setting, opening the ventilation unit or making changes to the ventilation system. Follow the instructions.

The quick start contains essential information on the setting options on the RLS 1 WR control such as setting the operating mode/ventilation level, what to do in the event of a malfunction and how to change the filter.

The operating instructions in the Internet (→ contain detailed information on operation, settings, registration with the smartphone app or the web tool and troubleshooting.

Assemblies/components in the instructions are not shown in their actual colours. Colours are used to identify associated assemblies/components.

Additional software

Controlled domestic ventilation commissioning software for configuring and adjusting the ventilation unit → chapter Commissioning or

QR codes for direct access

CDV commissioning software

web tool

app (iOS)

app (Android)