External covers
PP 45 AKR, PP 45 AKB
- Once the external plastering is complete, remove the plaster protective cover. Ensure that the wall sleeve projects by 0 to no more than 4 mm. Align the condensate drain vertically.
- Apply mounting adhesive provided by customer in dots or lines to the underside of the condensate drain (arrow) and attach it to the pipe sleeve.
- Seal the condensate drain on the exterior wall and pipe.
NOTICE: Safe condensate drainage must be ensured. No condensate should be allowed to penetrate between the wall sleeve and the exterior wall.
- Seal the external grille connecting piece with adhesive tape.
- Insert the external grille into the pipe sleeve and secure it in the wall sleeve using expansion claws.
- Use sealing plugs to close off the holes for the fastening screws. This prevents water from getting in.
- Seal the front cover to the exterior wall with permanently elastic and weatherproof sealant. Use silicone-free sealing material for PP 45 AKB.
- PP 45 AKB can be painted over with any façade paint.