System operation operating mode

For PPB 30

In system operation, the ventilation system (all PPB 30 K and PP 45 or PPB 30 O units) run with all the settings undertaken on the RLS 45 K control.

PPB 30 RC units are operated with the settings on the DS 45 RC radio switch, PP 45 RC master or the RLS 45 K+PP 45 EO controller.

This includes heat recovery or cross-ventilation, ventilation level, intermittent ventilation, sleep function or External Off operating mode. Demand-driven mode can be switched on and off manually → Switching demand-driven mode on/off.

In contrast, the way in which the system behaves when the maximum humidity value is exceeded is not dependent on the set operating mode. The function selected for dehumidification (exhaust air mode or intermittent ventilation) is always undertaken. If exhaust air mode is switched on, all RLS 45 K connected to the PP 45 / PPB 30 O run with the supply air function.

The supply air function of the PP 45 units is also used for the volumetric flow compensation of the PPB 30 RC units.

Humidity limit values, start delay, duration, exhaust air mode or intensive ventilation can be set by the specialist installer using the commissioning software/with the service mode (installer lever).

If demand-driven mode is switched on, air dehumidification with the PPB 30 K/PPB 30 RC units is continuously variable depending on the humidity value. The function is always active. The air volume is regulated in a linear fashion using the set min/max humidity values.