Commissioning software: Operation
After the program start the connection is activated by mouse click. The following standard display appears:
Left side
- Current operating mode: Heat recovery or cross-ventilation
- Current ventilation level: Off, ventilation levels 1 to 5, intermittent ventilation or night time
- Faults: Visible when fault is present
Right side
- Query: Shows current system values and system statuses for the user.
- Settings: Setting options for the user such as luminosity of the LEDs, remaining time until filter change, automatic mode etc.
- Instructions: Information/PDF instructions for the user
Confirm an entry
- Press field at right bottom.
- A confirmation symbol (tick) appears.
- Executed appears for 3 seconds, the setting is saved.
Go back a level
- Press field Left arrow.
Call up menu level
- Press the field Home.
End commissioning software
- Close Windows screen.