Condensate drain
Check the following points before starting:
- The condensate tank must be watertight
- The connection between the condensate tank and the drain must be airtight
- The condensate must be routed to a free outlet; the slope of the drain pipe must be at least 1 cm/m; the siphon must be accessible for cleaning purposes
- We strongly recommend the use of electrical trace heating for the condensate drain to ensure reliable condensate drainage in the event of frost!
- Finally, check the condensate drain (filling water into the condensate tank).
- Change the slope if necessary.
We recommend the use of the AX-USIPH vacuum siphon on the suction side (item no. 0043.0699). This special siphon is a self-filling and self-closing siphon for draining RLT units in the condensate drainage area. Drain diameter: 40 millimeters. |
The height H must be at least 1 time the maximum internal negative pressure of the unit.
Example: Δp = 500 Pa ~= 50 mm CE => H > 50 mm, 2H > 100 mm