Sensor settings

You can see instantly whether the air quality in certain rooms is optimum or not.

Air quality sensors (optional)

CO2 sensor: Measures the carbon dioxide content of the air. Setting range of CO2 limit value 500 to 2000 ppm

VOC sensor (odours): Measures all oxidable organic substances in the air (CO, methane CH4 etc.). Setting range of VOC limit value 500 to 2000 ppm

If the status is Optimal, the air quality is within the set range. If Critical is displayed, the upper limit value has been exceeded. The ventilation unit generates a message.

Sensor control (Auto Sensor operating mode)

The volumetric flow varies, in a continuously variable fashion, depending on the current concentration of CO2/VOC.
Minimum limit values apply to reduced ventilation (RV) and maximum limit values for intensive ventilation (IV). Linear control is used between the two.