EA/SA (exhaust air/supply air) adjustment

EA = exhaust air, SA = supply air, setting ex factory = 0 m³/h

Setting values
Adjustment EA SA, ventilation level RV (level 2) min. -10 m³/h / max. +10 m³/h
Adjustment EA SA, ventilation level NV (level 3) min. -10 m³/h / max. +10 m³/h
Adjustment EA SA, ventilation level IV (level 4) min. -10 m³/h / max. +10 m³/h

Supply and exhaust air volumes must be balanced over the entire application area. Normally the fans automatically ensure a balance and no adjustment has to be undertaken.

Nevertheless, if fan tolerances need balancing, the adjustment parameters can be used to adapt the supply air volumetric flow to that of the exhaust air.

Example: Supply air volumetric flow: measured excess = 20 m³/h. Adjustment of EA SA, ventilation level NV must be set to -10 m³/h for adjustment.

When setting NV, the control automatically also adjusts RV and IV. The percentage deviation for NV is transferred to RV and IV.

A manual adjustment for RV and IV is also possible and the NV adjustment does not then change. A new adjustment of NV does however again result in an adjustment to RV and IV. Adjusting RV also changes the ventilation for humidity protection.

The adjustment cannot result in values falling below or exceeding minimum and maximum values for fan supply voltages.