Sensor module operation / Rel. humidity value limit

Setting values
● Sensor module operation: stepped / linear
● Rel. humidity limit value min: 30 ... 35 ... 45 % r. h
● Rel. humidity, max. limit value: 50 ... 70 ... 95 % r. h.

Stepped: Rel. humidity limit value for intensive ventilation. The maximum value always serves, independently from the set operating mode, as a switching point for dehumidification. The minimum value is not taken into account.

Linear: Rel. humidity limit value min./max. for intensive ventilation with linear humidity control in Auto Sensor operating mode. The maximum value always serves, independently from the set operating mode, as a switching point for dehumidification. The minimum limit value applies to reduced ventilation. Between RV and IV, regulation is linear, stepless and demand-driven.

The limit value settings apply to the internal sensor module and to any external humidity sensors which may be connected.