AWP 200 - Characteristic curve Fan characteristic curve at maximum speed
AWP 200 - Characteristic curve Heating characteristic curve
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- Step 3
AWP 200 - Characteristic curve
I - Qh = 30 kWh/(m2a)
II - Qh = 40 kWh/(m2a)
III- Qh = 50 kWh/(m2a)
IV - Qh = 60 kWh/(m2a)
Heating system
Transfer: 2 K radiant panel heating with individual room control
Storage: no storage
Distribution: heated, interior, 35°C / 28°C , controlled pump
Generation: Exhaust air - water heat pump
Heated drinking water
Storage: Indirectly heated storage tank within thermal sleeve
Distribution: Central within the building, without circulation, horizontal distribution within the thermal sleeve
Generation: Drinking water heating pump, exhaust air - drinking water and direct, electrical and solar panels
Taken into account: 12.5 kWh/(m2a)
Transfer: Ventilation system with an exhaust air temperature of less than 20°C
Distribution: Exhaust air system with supply air elements, DC fans
Generation: -